CBC’s insane anti white race baiting: Black persons car is broken into, she doesn’t file a police report, but begins blaming “white settlers” and “white supremacy” – this deserves an article in the CBC – “We know what happens when white settlers feel threatened,” She said the actions described in the tweets align with the ways white supremacist groups try to scare and silence BIPOC people

Sep 21, 2020

A local academic is speaking out after her car was broken into, which she believes may have been an act of intimidation intended to discourage her advocacy work.

“We know what happens when white settlers feel threatened,” she said.

After posting about the experience on social media, Wilson said other vocal BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) leaders have shared similar experiences with her — and say the incidents have left them worried about their safety.

Wilson said she did not report the incident to police. She did say that racialized communities do not always feel safe reporting incidents to police.

Frankie Condon teaches race and class at the University of Waterloo, and has closely followed Wilson’s thread on social media. 

She said the actions described in the tweets align with the ways white supremacist groups try to scare and silence BIPOC people. There has been a long history of white supremacy and extremism in Kitchener-Waterloo, Condon said. 

“The more worried people in position of power and privilege are about the loss of that power and privilege, the more likely they are to turn to violence or the threat of violence to preserve their social standing,” said Condon.

“Systemic racism” is when your car is broken into, you have a national publicly funded “newspaper” write a sob story about you and how racist white people are to blame (without showing any proof whatsoever).

But thousands of white people being victimized by blacks is just part and parcel of living in a multicultural society.  And don’t you dare lump all blacks or muslims into one group and blame then for the actions of a random boogeyman that doesn’t even exist.

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