CBS: “We cannot deny the fact that fat-phobia is rooted in anti-Blackness”

Aug 23, 2020

“We cannot deny the fact that fat-phobia is rooted in anti-Blackness. That’s simply an historical reality,”

“Therefore, they decided to re-articulate racial categories, adding new characteristics, and one of the things that the colonists believed was that Black people were inherently more sensuous, that people love sex and they love food, and so the idea was that Black people had more venereal diseases, and that Black people were inherently obese, because they lack self-control. And of course, self-control and rationality, after the Enlightenment, were characteristics that were deemed integral to Whiteness.”

“they” – as if white people have a central authority that decides these things.

sociologist Max Weber in 1904-1905, describes the concept of hard work and self-discipline as highly valued traits that would lead to eternal salvation. The “mortification of the flesh,” or the act of putting sins related to the body to death by abstaining from certain pleasures, is a concept common to all Christian denominations, reflected in practices like fasting or abstinence. Strings says that many of these ideas were taken up by Anglo-Saxon Protestants in the U.S. in the 19th century.

“What they wanted to do was show that they were both morally upright and racially proper, in the way in which they ate and how they maintained their figures,” said Strings. “And so, they were very clear that to be of the elite race and to be a Christian peoples means that you need to show what they would call temperance in the face of food — or restraint is the way we might think of today — because if you did not show temperance, that was evidence that you were one of the savages, and also, that you were un-Christian.”

Black fragility at its finest. Whites deciding to do something totally unrelated and having nothing to do with blacks – is somehow oppressive and racist towards blacks because this person has major self-esteem and image issues.

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