Vitamins, Herbs and Supplement Benefits – Cancers, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Liver Health, Coronavirus, Colds / Flu, Inflammation, Joint Health

Sep 16, 2021

Massive compilation of various herbs and supplements and their enormous health benefits. Will be updated with new info regularly. To search for a specific condition / illness, press “ctrl + f”


Vitamin D


Vitamin K2 (menaquinone)

  • In one study spanning 7–10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease
  • Another study in 16,057 women found that participants with the highest intake of vitamin K2 had a much lower risk of heart disease — for every 10 mcg of K2 they consumed per day, heart disease risk was reduced by 9%
  • Additionally, an observational study in 11,000 men found that a high vitamin K2 intake was linked to a 63% lower risk of advanced prostate cancer
  • Two clinical studies suggest that vitamin K2 reduces recurrence of liver cancer and increases survival times
  • A 3-year study in 244 postmenopausal women found that those taking vitamin K2 supplements had much slower decreases in age-related bone mineral density
  • Trials, which took fractures into consideration, found that vitamin K2 reduced spinal fractures by 60%, hip fractures by 77% and all non-spinal fractures by 81%


Cat’s Claw

  • 2001 in vivo study demonstrated that the bark of cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) prevented the growth of human breast cancer cell line MCF7 by having antimutagenic and antiproliferative effects on the cancer cells.
  • Leukemia: specific alkaloids having significant potential to not only stop cancer from continuing to grow, but also killing the cancer cells themselves.
  • 2001 study looked at the effects of using a water-soluble cat’s claw extract (250 and 350 milligrams per day) for eight weeks on adult volunteers who had previously received chemotherapy. There was a significant decrease of DNA damage and an increase of DNA repair in both cat’s claw supplement groups compared to the non-supplement group.
  • Cat’s claw extract increased the ability of skin cells to repair the DNA damage done by UV light. Researchers conclude that cat’s claw extract should be considered for use as a natural sunscreen.
  • Cat’s claw has also been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation and blood clot formation. This means that cat’s claw could likely be helpful in warding off heart attacks and strokes by not only decreasing blood pressure and increasing circulation, but by also inhibiting the formation of plaque and blood clots in the arteries, heart and brain.
  • Alkaloid called hirsutine has been found to specifically act at the calcium channels of the heart and blood vessels as a calcium channel blocker. Calcium channel blockers also widen and relax the blood vessels themselves, which helps blood flow in a healthy, smooth manner.
  • Immune boosting: (Uncaria tomentosa) was given to subjects for eight weeks. They found that this supplementation significantly elevated subjects’ infection-fighting white blood cell count. Researchers also observed a repair of DNA, both single and double strand breaks.
  • herpes-fighting ability of cat’s claw is associated with its polyphenols working synergistically with its oxindole alkaloids or quinovic acid glycosides.
  • Cat’s claw, specifically Uncaria tomentosa, is believed to be able to help fight the inflammation associated with Crohn’s. A dosage of 250 milligrams per day is a recommendation for Crohn’s sufferers.



Dandelion root

  • A 2011 study out of University of Windsor in Canada treated skin cancer cells with dandelion extract and found that it started killing off cancer cells within just 48 hours of treatment.
  • Another study in Oncotarget showed that dandelion root extract was able to kill 95 percent of colon cancer cells within two days.

Aqueous dandelion root extract induced programmed cell death (PCD) selectively in > 95% of colon cancer cells, irrespective of their p53 status, by 48 hours of treatment. The anti-cancer efficacy of this extract was confirmed in in-vivo studies, as the oral administration of DRE retarded the growth of human colon xenograft models by more than 90%

  • Other research has shown that dandelion root may aid in the treatment of leukemiapancreatic cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  • A 2017 study found that dandelion root was able to effectively stop the growth of gastric cancer cells. It did this without damaging the growth of noncancerous cells.
  • In one study, rabbits were fed a high-cholesterol diet and supplemented with dandelion root. Dandelion led to a reduction in total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad LDL cholesterol as well as an increase in beneficial HDL cholesterol.
  • High in antioxidants, which may account for its many potent health benefits.
  • One study by the Department of Food and Nutrition at Chonnam National University in the Republic of Korea showed that the extract of Taraxacum officinale prevented damage to the liver caused by alcohol toxicity in both liver cells and mice.
  • Especially effective against certain strains of bacteria that are responsible for staph infections and food-borne illness.
  • Dandelion could possess powerful antimicrobial properties, which can help block bacterial growth to prevent skin infections.



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